Video instructions for operation, maintenance and repair of your TravelScoot ™
Audio for these videos in available in English only, but they are largely self-explanatory.
Set-up and Operation
1. Demo of the new TravelScoot
2. Initial setup and operation of the new TravelScoot
3. Battery installation on the new TravelScoot
4. Attaching the Footrest on the new TravelScoot
7. Getting on the new TravelScoot
8. Folding the new TravelScoot
Maintenance and repair
4. Stop squeaking of the brakes
7. Alignment of the front wheel to the handlebars
9. How to swap the TravelScoot controls
11. How to test your TravelScoot battery (Multimeter)
13. Remove and replace battery connector
14. Bell
15. Junction box cover (J-box)
16. General maintenance instructions
17. Backrest modifications for air travel
Accessory videos
1. Basket installation (front)
3. How to use the CrampBuster™
4. How to Install the TravelScoot Suspension Seat Posts
5. Auxiliary Battery Tray Installation
7. Travel Set